Thursday, September 25, 2008

More specific thoughts

I've been trying to focus my thinking into a relevant and do-able project.It is way easy to get washed away in the sea of complexity and feel like you have real insights without having any way to verify or test them. So, I would like to test the proposition that:

Natural populations in dynamic equilibrium with their environment incorporate variability in their [genomes, epigenetic responses, plasticity, life history variation] that reflects (incorporates information about) environmental variability.

This informed or structured variability results in a more rapid response to system perturbations.

Questions of scale (as usual!): Are we talking about variability within an individual, or in a population. If we are at the population level then we have to invoke some sort of group selection.

Are we talking about responses within the lifetime of the fish (plasticity, epi-genetic) or in a few generations (evolutionary). Or both?

How can we use George M's models, or models like them, to explore these ideas? On a practical note, can we come up with $$ to hire a programmer who knows how to do this stuff?

More later...

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